to make the long story short, my dad does not want to get me wasta (connection).
i got up at 6:30 and got there at 7, the cop made me wait for 30 minutes before taking the test on paper (which btw was in arabic). i scored 90% on that test and passed it, even though one of the questions i got wrong was the following (what is the minimum speed limit for heavy trucks on the 6th ring road). IM NEVER DRIVING A HEAVY WEIGHT TRUCK !
now its around 8:10, and the cop told me to wait outside until i get my turn, scorching heat, for 30 minutes before i got pissed and left the place to realize that i didn't have to wait at all. the main issue here is that the attitude the cops use is violent, as if they are doing their job just for the sake of being payed, or else they would rather make you their slave much more. i left the place where i took the (visionary exam ? nathari) and payed a guy 10kd to take his car and drive it in for the driving test.
i got in alone, and waited for my turn. the cop was sitting in an air conditioned room sipping on his tea, and did not bother to come sit next to me, simply pointed at a parallel parking spot. i was like hey, thats not so bad, until he got out of the room to make the gap smaller (barely fitting the car's length). i got the car in but it was slightly on the white line, so i had to correct it, but thats when he came out of his room and DEMANDED my papers, only to write that i failed. that test took 2 minutes, no more, no less.
meanwhile, a girl that came with her father and some guy that is on top of the hierarchy, got her license without even getting into a car, all of which i witnessed.
are you trying to convince me that that girl is safer on the roads than me?
anyways, I'm only writing about this to pour out my frustration, because i have waited to get my driving license for a while now, and being in kuwait, its the only key to a little bit of freedom. life in kuwait has not changed, in fact it only got worse. although i miss home and my friends when I'm away, i do not miss the big chunk of the arrogant population, or the whole connection (wasta) situation, or the amount of lifelessness people have in general. work, eat, sleep ! not for me, i am definitely not living here when i am done with university. i have come too far to start living a primitive life all again that would probably dumb me down.
by now you are probably thinking im just pissed about the driving test (not that I'm not) but its not just that, its the accumulation of things.